Coverdale & Newbank
Community Association & Registered Charity

The Strength of People - The Power of Community
Meet Our Sponsors
Coverdale & Newbank Community Association & Registered Charity are working hard to
improve our local Ardwick Community in Manchester.
The hard work and life changing Community Projects that we run would not be possible
without the dedication and time of our community volunteers - We are forever Thankful.
It would also not be possible to fund many of our Community Projects without the generosity
help, support and funding of our strategic partners.
As a way of thanking them - we would like to show a snippet of what they are helping us
to fund and how together
We are delivering Life Changing Improvements to our Ardwick Community.
UK Emergency Medical Transport
Ambulance Service
From 2016 - UK Emergency Medical Transport - Ambulance Patient Service
have been helping Coverdale & Newbank Charity to Fund and Operate our Kids MealBox Project.
A Community Project designed to help tackle
" Child Holiday Hunger in Manchester "
Throughout the summer of 2016 -
We provided over 250 Free Children's Meals for local Ardwick Children
who otherwise would have gone Hungry during the school Summer Holidays.
Since its launch in the summer of 2016
Coverdale & Newbank have expanded our project to incorporate
Free Meals for Children as well as a range of Activities during Every School Holiday.
So far in the Five years of Coverdale & Newbank's Kids Mealbox Project
We have helped to Feed over 2500 local Ardwick Children and provided a range of Activities.
With the Help and Funding of UK Emergency Medical Transport - Ambulance Service
Manchester City Council and FareShare Greater Manchester
our Coverdale & Newbank Charity - Kids MealBox Project
continues to go from Strength to Strength
Coverdale & Newbank - Community Grocer Shop

In 2017 - Coverdale & Newbank Charity Launched our Community Grocer Shop.
A Community Food Share Project designed to help tackle Hunger, Provide Financial Assistance, Improve Health & Wellbeing, Reduce Social Isolation
and help Redistribute Food - amongst members of our Ardwick Community, in the heart of Manchester.
Designed - Managed and Operated Solely by Volunteers from the Local Community
The Coverdale & Newbank Community Grocer Shop now has over 300 Members and helps over 75 Regular Shoppers on a Weekly basis.
Coverdale & Newbank Community Grocer Shop
is OPEN every Thursday from 11am until 2pm
At The Coverdale & Newbank Community Hub
217 Stockport Road
M12 4DY
Telephone : 0161 425 3443
Coverdale & Newbank Community Grocer Shop
is a Membership Scheme for our local Ardwick Community.
Each week - Members pay £ 2.50 for about £ 15.00 worth of Food and discounted Toiletries.
It is more than a Community Shop - It is a safe, friendly and inviting Meeting Place.
A Real Community Hub.
Thank You to all the Volunteers who help to stock, manage and run our Community Grocer Shop.
Thank You to Healthy Me Healthy Communities
Manchester City Council Neighbourhood Investment Fund
One Manchester Social Housing Group
FareShare Greater Manchester &
UK Emegency Medical Transport - Ambulance Services
Without all of your help, support and funding
Coverdale & Newbank Charity would not be able to keep delivering this Vital Community Project !

Providing Free Promotional Banners to help promote Coverdale & Newbank Charity - Manchester

Providing Free Promotional Banners to help promote Coverdale & Newbank Charity - Manchester
Thank you to Banner Buzz - for Providing a Free Promotional Banner to Coverdale & Newbank Charity - Manchester
Coming Soon !
Coverdale & Newbank Charity - Community Cafe

Coming Soon Coverdale & Newbank Charity - Community Cafe 217 Stockport Road Ardwick Manchester M12 4DY

Community Cafe 217 Stockport Road Ardwick Manchester M12 4DY

Helping to support our Charity of Choice Coverdale & Newbank Charity

Coming Soon Coverdale & Newbank Charity - Community Cafe 217 Stockport Road Ardwick Manchester M12 4DY